Q. Can Paperless WMS generate and print pallet labels?

Q. Can Paperless WMS generate and print pallet labels?

Owners or suppliers do not label pallets when shipping to the warehouse.  Can Paperless WMS produce and print pallet labels?
Paperless WMS has several routines forming part of the standard system that can be used to generate and print GS1 compliant pallet labels.
  1. Use screen DEM007 from Master Menu Receiving → Receiving Label → Receiving Label Print
  2. Enter Warehouse Code, Owner Id, Printer Name, Select Date (e.g. Use by Date, Production Date etc.), No. of Copies in the Header section
  3. Enter Product information in the Detail section: e.g. Product Code, Pallet Qty, Date (as per point 2 above) and Lot Number
  4. Click Save to print labels to selected printer
Note: Alternatively labels may be ordered and printed using Receiving Label by Range entry on screen DEM025.

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